Monday, February 09, 2009

2009 World Ag Expo about to begin

The 2009 World Ag Expo kicks off tomorrow in Tulare, Calif. We have staffers en route to Tulare to cover the event, work in a Capital Press booth and talk to vendors and newsmakers over the course of the three-day show.

Reporter Cecilia Parsons, who is based nearby in Ducor, Calif., was on the grounds today for the traditional media day, in which the press get a sneak peek at the grounds before the gates open to the general public on Tuesday.

Look for coverage from Cissy in this week's California edition of the Capital Press and online at

So, if you are in Tulare for the World Ag Expo, stop by the Capital Press booth, No. 3404, in Pavilion C.

If you can't be there in person, check out the live webcams from the expo grounds in Tulare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "World Agricultural expo" is about to begin and I am really looking forward to it. I guess the people who are not able to make it to the place can view the expo through "webcam".....that is really a good idea.

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