Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'It's time to level the playing field'

In response to my inquiries about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's latest ruling allowing a higher mix of ethanol in gasoline, National Cattlemen's Beef Association president Steve Fogelsong e-mailed me this statement through a spokeswoman:

“NCBA members strongly oppose government mandates and intervention in the marketplace. We are disappointed that EPA has granted Growth Energy a waiver and will allow E15 in 2001-2006 vehicles. The corn based ethanol industry is of significance to the cattle industry because of its impact on feed prices. Rather than perpetuating the government’s continued intervention in the 30-year old corn-based ethanol industry, it’s time to level the playing field for all corn end users. NCBA encourages EPA and the federal government to reevaluate U.S. renewable energy policies and evaluate the consequences these policies continue to have on all corn end users. We look forward to working with the U.S. Congress to ensure our nation’s renewable energy policies create a level playing field and do not pick winners and losers.”

This week I teamed with Idaho-based reporter Carol Ryan Dumas to take an in-depth look at the impact the EPA's ruling will have on animal agriculture. Look for the story at later in the week.

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