Monday, January 26, 2009

On the road this week

Volunteers Chad Heitman, left, and Blaine Ragan affix fencing for corrals to be used for the Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale. Photo by Tim Hearden/Capital PressLook for representatives from the Capital Press at two big events this week.

Starting Tuesday, Jan. 27, you can find some staff members from the Capital Press in Redding, Calif., and Portland, Ore.

In Redding, we will be attending the annual Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale, which runs through Jan. 31. See reporter Tim Hearden's preview story online.

In Portland, we will have a booth at the Northwest Agriculture Show. You can find stories from our Northwest Ag Show special section on the Capital Press website too.

If you see a Capital Press booth or banner, stop in and say hello.

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